Sunday, September 7, 2008

Supplements are dangerous to health

Many youngsters want to build their body and muscles. So they got to gym and do heavy exercises. But there is another fact to this. Many people want to build their muscles in a short time so they go for other methods. Supplements are the most often used alternative. Many youngsters take in supplements in the form of pill or in the form of powder. Many of the companies which make these supplements say that there are no side effects due these products. But a recent research shows that these supplements create lots of problems in the body. It leads to ulcer, diabetes, hormone related disorders and many others complications. So youngsters have to be careful before they decide to take these kinds of supplements.


Tey said...

that's the problem with youth there dont know how bad it can be for them but still taking the risk..
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Tey said...

passing by here to say Happy weekend to you my friend
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